An update is long overdue...
Last time I posted, I was switching into Oceanography. Fulfilling all the science prerequisites is tedious, but on the whole it's been a great decision. I've already gotten into some neat projects here, including a GIS project that involves identifying and comparing dimensions of sea ice leads (cracks in the ice that expose open water). The idea is that we can compare the locations, dimensions, and complexity of these leads with known narwhal migration routes and winter habitat to figure out just where they're likely to be in the future.
Finally, I applied for and got accepted to do an REU in Svalbard this summer. The project involves the glacier/fjord/sediment system at Kongsfjorden (Kings Fjord), and our base will be the town of Ny-Ă…lesund, which, at over 78 degrees north latitude is the "world's northernmost functional public settlement." The trip takes place through July and August, which means 24-hour daylight the whole time we're there. Supposedly internet access there is flawless so I should be able to send updates.
Summer in Kongsfjorden
That's all for now, but hopefully I'll have more details in the next few months.